Saturday, July 31, 2010

A Cover Preview

I find I need some visual stimulation to keep the creative juices flowing.  For that reason, I'll spend way too much time fiddling with maps or graphics and stuff before I ever write a word of something.  This project is no exception.  I've trolled through Deviant Art and Elfwood and Google Images with a gazillion search terms (at least!) to find some artwork that jumps out at me for a possible cover.  Well, I finally found just what I wanted and even got permission from the artist to use it! Being a S&W: WhiteBox supplement, I wanted a black & white piece for that. This one just screams cyberpunk! to me (as opposed to Shadowrun!), and I love the starkness of the black & white with some red just there to accentuate it, as opposed to a full-color piece. He has some others, too.  One is a Shadowrun elven mage that I love, but I'm not sure how to use it.  I really was envisioning a color cover for that project. We'll see...

So here's a gander at the mock-up of the cover for cyber74. Impressions?


  1. Really nice mock up.
    Keep up the good work, I'm eager to see how a universe where skills are so important ala Shadowrun (only know 3rd and 4th edition) will fit in the S&W class based system.

  2. I like that cover, especially the link from head to weapon. It's edgy, yet old school. Nice.

  3. Nice and old-school feeling.

    Personally, I would go with a year in the 80's instead of 70's - the era when cyberpunk was really "in". Cyber88 or Cyber84 or something. I understand the reason for going with '74, but I just don't find it groks with the cyberpunk vibe.

    I'm using Espionage'88 for my rebuilding of the Top Secret RPG.

  4. Hmm. Interesting point Dyson, and one I hadn't considered. Good food for thought, thanks.

  5. This looks freaking awesome. I'm excited over this one.

  6. Thanks Dave. Not moving along very quickly, but I still intend to get it done. I'll keep everyone updated here on the blog.

  7. I kind of like it! Thanks for the suggestion.

  8. Just remembered about this game as I'm on a cyberpunk/shadowrun vibe currently. Can't wait to hear some news from you and the project (I think I'll add myself as a follower...)

  9. Hey Dom - thanks for stopping back by. No progress to report as I'm focusing on my active D&D campaign right now, but this is still simmering on the back burner.

    Please do Follow the blog here, and you'll see when I do get back to the project.
